Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 14: In Cold Hell, in Thicket

To assist in my process of learning to become a poet, I have decided that I will be reading a poem from a great poet once a day and using this blog not only as a place to write poetry but also as a journal to write reflections about what I am reading and what the poem effected in me.
Currently I am reading Charles Olson. Great American Poet of the 50's wrote in projective verse...which quite honestly I am still not sure what that means. I know that the structure of the poem has something to do with the breath. But it also has to do with the landscape inside of the human soul rather than just discussing the landscape around oneself. But that is the extent of my understanding of the Projective Verse and most importantly of Charles Olson's In Cold Hell, in Thicket written in 1953.
The structure of the poem is so chaotic that it literally alienates the reader from the deep emotions being divulged, what is the point then?

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